Monday, June 29, 2020
Over-Heating Of Marine Design Engine Using Fault Tree Analysis - 7975 Words
Project Report On Analysis Of Over-Heating Of Marine Design Engine Using Fault Tree Analysis (Research Paper Sample) Content: PROJECT REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF OVER-HEATING OF MARINE DESIGN ENGINE USING FAULT TREE ANALYSISBy (Name)The Name of the Class (Course)Professor (Tutor)The Name of the School (UniversityThe DateABSTRACTIn this paper, the analysis of overheating of Marine Engine Design is presented using the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method to find how reliable marine engine overheating is. There are various uncontrollable factors in an engine such as bad weather conditions, loading state and ship mobility, it becomes difficult to ascertain the exact probability of failure of systems in the engine. The FTA set theory is used to counter the possibility of overestimating or under-estimating the failure probability of both normal and undesired events of the FTA. The failure rate of the FTA is found by applying the FTA numbers and its operators.The FTA probability gives the FTA results which are able to compensate when there is the vague or uncertain probability of engineering errors and basic events. The FTA method analyzes many things which may not include only the reduction of overheating through the jacket water but also to measure the importance of basic events that help reduce overheating.Calculation of the systems FTA importance has two methods that are proposed to be used namely the GMIR which stands for Graded Mean Integration Representation and the FTA probability ranking method.In this paper, it was found that the cooling of the engine through the jacket water has proved very reliable when marine design engine is overheating. It is also concluded that the basic events of the system that increase overheating is the failure of supply air and is treated the most critical parameter.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to direct my heartfelt and deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Prof./Dr./ Mr/ Mrsat the University of , for his/her immense knowledge, excellent guidance, caring, patience and providing me with an outstanding atmosphere for studying and doing research. I attr ibute the level of my.. Degree to his/her encouragement and effort and without him/her this project report, would not have been completed or written. One purely could not wish for a better or friendlier supervisor.I am also grateful to the staff of the University of , my colleagues and friends, and one and all, who indirectly or directly, have supported and encouraged me.TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc506586170 \h 2ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc506586171 \h 3TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEREF _Toc506586172 \h 4LIST OF TABLES PAGEREF _Toc506586173 \h 6LIST OF FIGURES PAGEREF _Toc506586174 \h 7ABBREVIATIONS PAGEREF _Toc506586175 \h 8CHAPTER 2 PAGEREF _Toc506586176 \h 132.0 RESEARCH STUDIES PAGEREF _Toc506586177 \h 132.1 Background PAGEREF _Toc506586178 \h 13CHAPTER 3 PAGEREF _Toc506586179 \h 163.0 METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc506586180 \h 163.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc506586181 \h 163.2 Theory of the Fault Tree Analysis PAGEREF _Toc506586182 \h 163.2.1 Events and Gates PAGEREF _Toc506586183 \h 173.2.2 General Procedure for Fault Tree Analysis PAGEREF _Toc506586184 \h 183.2.3 Causes of Overheating in Marine Design Engines PAGEREF _Toc506586185 \h 203.2.4 Advantages PAGEREF _Toc506586186 \h 213.2.5 Disadvantages PAGEREF _Toc506586187 \h 213.2.6 Fault Tree Analysis for Marine Design Engine PAGEREF _Toc506586188 \h 223.2.7 The method of evaluation the Fault Tree failure probabilities: PAGEREF _Toc506586189 \h 223.3 FTA Number PAGEREF _Toc506586190 \h 243.3.1 Calculation of the triangular FTA number PAGEREF _Toc506586191 \h 253.3.2 Algebraic operation of FTA number: PAGEREF _Toc506586192 \h 263.4 FTA Operators PAGEREF _Toc506586193 \h 273.5 FTA Importance Measure PAGEREF _Toc506586194 \h 283.6 Specific Events for FTA for marine diesel engine PAGEREF _Toc506586195 \h 293.7 Overheating of Marine Design engine using FTA Analyzer software PAGEREF _Toc506586196 \h 304.0 RESULTS PAGEREF _Toc506586197 \h 324.1 FTA failure probability of the top event: PAGEREF _Toc506586198 \h 324.2 Finding the FTA importance measure of basic events PAGEREF _Toc506586199 \h 324.3 FTA Analyzer Report on Events and Gates PAGEREF _Toc506586200 \h 345.0 DISCUSSION PAGEREF _Toc506586201 \h 356.0 CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc506586202 \h 40REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc506586203 \h 42LIST OF TABLESTOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: FTA failure probability of basic events PAGEREF _Toc504171549 \h 33Table 2 FTA importance measures the basic events forming the jacket water cooling system of a marine design engine PAGEREF _Toc504171550 \h 36LIST OF FIGURESTOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: Fault Tree Analysis on Events and Gates (Huang, Chen and Wang, 2001) PAGEREF _Toc506586204 \h 18Figure 2: Marine design engine structure (Cicek, Turan, Topcu, and Searslan, 2010) PAGEREF _Toc506586205 \h 23Figure 3: Fault Tree Diagram (Mao, Tu, and Du, 2010) PAGEREF _Toc506586206 \h 23Figure 4: FTA Analyzer diagram PAGEREF _Toc506586207 \h 30ABBREVIATIONSFTA Fault Tree AnalysisR BDsReliability Block DiagramsGMIRGraded Mean Integration RepresentationOREDA Offshore Reliability Engineering Data handbookHTFW High-Temperature Fresh WaterCHAPTER 11.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundThe study of the mechanics that creates engines and their functions is one that has been a greatly important part of every mechanical engineers education, moreover studying the important parts of the system and their maintenance enhances the ability for every engineer to maintain the system working in steady matter avoiding any faults that could occur; from internal or external forces, that could impedes the function of the engine (Wang, Ruxton, and Labrie, 1995). The performance and the function of these depend mostly on the efficiency of the components, which also depends on the conditions and life-cycle of these components. However, other events and conditions could occur that could be external and could also cause faults in the function of the system whic h needs studying and for precautions to be taken.This paper presents the study of various fault in the engine system designs, and the failures of these systems will be studied using different analytical methods and presented. The Gantt chart attached to this report stages the main objectives of this report and clearly shows the methodology used to arrive at the results. A Gantt chart is the most appropriate tool to be used in this report as it gives the layout for accomplishing the given task.This paper will be used to come up with a final paper by providing the objectives, aims and the methodology needed to meet the set objectives as well as the references of the resources used in this report that pertains the failures caused by overheating of marine engines.The ships at sea use the marine design engines and must be supervised by skilled mechanical engineers who have specialized in the marine field (Wang, Ruxton, and Labrie, 1995). These engines run for long periods of time and due to that, the engines experience many faults. Despite the faults, the engines are still needed to work continuously considering the fact that the main engine is just one necessary for propulsion. Overheating is one major fault that affects these engines. The common cause of overheating is abnormal combustion of the engine as surface ignition can cause serious engine overheating and may damage the engine. There are other many events, and abnormal functions taking place also causes overheating of marine design engines, but these problems must be diagnosed to ascertain the cause. Other causes that are easy to rectify are dealt with first before further diagnosis. The engine diagnosis is recommendable to use different analysis techniques as will be seen in this report.Faults in an engine are diagnosed through many ways and methods and will also give the maintenance procedures to be used and precautions to be observed. FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) also called negative analytical trees is a very efficient method in performing these diagnoses. It consists of logic block diagrams showing the state the system is in terms of its basic events. Fault tree diagram is an alternative to RBDs (reliability block diagrams) and is both graphical design techniques.Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a method used in operations research for safety and reliability analysis of systems. It was developed in 1962 and used by Bell Telephone laboratories as minuteman systems for the US Airforce which was later fully used by the Boeing Company. The FTA technique has many symbols and stages representing events and causes that most frequently affect the systems that are to be analyzed (Cicek, Turan, Topcu, and Searslan, 2010). This technique will be used in this report to analyze the varied causes of overheating of marine design engines and how these causes relate to each other.1.2 Aims and Objectives * To study all the possible causes of overheating of marine design engines and their related systems . * To analyze the probability of occurrence of these causes and the rates at which they occur. * To use the analyses above to estimate the probabilities that the events and causes occur as logical combinations to the results of overheating of marine design engines. This will be done using two methods namely; * Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) * FTA Operator application and FTA numberThrough the analysis of the failures above, the engineers will be provided with the major cases of overheating, the maintenance procedures and the precautions to be taken into consideration in order to avoid these causes.1.3 Research problem statementOverheating o...
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